Our mission and our values demonstrate who we are and flow from what we believe.
Our Mission
“Maturing and multiplying disciples by the power of the gospel.”
The worldwide church has been given a Great Commission by Jesus to make disciples. This involves bringing new believers to a place of maturity through “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20). At Mercy Hill, our goal is to help folks new in their faith grow to full maturity in Christ.
Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.” This means we are called to evangelize: to tell others the gospel of Jesus Christ and call them to repent and believe. At Mercy Hill, our goal is to call people to be disciples who make disciples who make disciples.
The power of the gospel
We have an extraordinary mission, yet we are only ordinary saints. We cannot do this on our own. Praise God we are not alone! He has given us His Holy Spirit in our hearts to empower us for ministry. He has given us the gospel in our mouths, and the gospel has the power to save sinners.
Our Core Values
The core values of any organization’s members reflect who they are and what they believe. At Mercy Hill, we share common core values with the churches of Sovereign Grace Churches.
We believe it’s all about the gospel of Jesus. The gospel—the good news of God’s saving activity in Jesus Christ—is the center of the Bible’s story and the essential message for our life. We are committed to preaching the gospel, singing the gospel, praying the gospel, and building our church upon the gospel. At Mercy Hill, we desire to keep the gospel as the main thing in our lives and church.
We believe in a big God. The Scriptures present God as the creator and ruler of all things. He works all things according to his own purpose and will– the exaltation of His glory through the redemption of sinners. To this end, He sovereignly chooses men and women to be saved despite our sin and rebellion. At Mercy Hill, we are amazed by His sovereign grace.
We believe Jesus has given us a big mission. He has called the whole church, every man and woman and child, to pursue it until the day that He returns. The risen Christ commissioned His church to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18–20). At Mercy Hill, we do this both in our Spotsy community and in partnership with churches in our denomination, Sovereign Grace Churches.
Every believer receives the gift of the Holy Spirit when he or she is saved, and yet the Spirit desires to fill us afresh each day. The Spirit’s work is to exalt Christ in His people by empowering us for holiness and for mission. He gives gifts to His people for the building up of His church. At Mercy Hill, we are dependent upon and eagerly desirous for His work among us.
We believe God’s plans are good plans, and gender is part of God’s plan. He created humans as men and women in His image, giving them equal dignity and value in His sight, while appointing differing and complementary roles for them within the home and the church. At Mercy Hill, we actively celebrate and humbly defend God’s good plan in gender.
We believe Jesus is the leader of His Church. He gives His church elders (pastors) to govern and lead under His authority and imitate Him in the task of caring, guiding, teaching, and serving His people. At Mercy Hill, we ordain men who are qualified by both character and gifting to serve as elders.
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